The Invisible Man - Lesson 10 - Lesson Plan

Year 3 - Year 4
The Invisible Man - Lesson 10 - Lesson Plan
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 10 of the play study on 'The Invisible Man', the learning objective is to deepen the students' knowledge and understanding of the plot and characters. This will be achieved through reading and discussing scenes 5 to 8 of Act 2, with a particular focus on writing empathetically from a character's perspective. The lesson aims to assess progress through group discussions and individual diary writing exercises, allowing students to express their grasp of the text's intricacies.

The expected outcomes of the lesson are tiered to accommodate different levels of comprehension. All students should gain a basic understanding of the plot and characters within the specified scenes. They are encouraged to achieve a secure understanding, with the more advanced aim to acquire a detailed insight into these elements of the play. Differentiation opportunities are provided, including the ability to edit teaching resources for varying support levels and balancing teacher guidance with independent learning. The lesson begins with a starter activity involving a class discussion of the assigned scenes. The main teaching activity includes a teacher-led introduction to the diary writing task, followed by students creating their own diary entries, empathetically embodying a character from the play. For those ready for an additional challenge, they are prompted to mimic the language style used by the character Kemp in their writing. The lesson concludes with a plenary where students share their work and engage in peer assessment, offering constructive feedback on each other's interpretations.

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